
In line with many others, the Kenyan government has decided that orphanages are not the right way to help young children.  The Children Act 2022 sets a ten-year timetable for closing all orphanages in Kenya.

Kujali agrees.  Our experience makes it clear that looking after children in an orphanage leads to the institutionalisation of the child, leaving them unprepared for later life.

Reintegration is a crucial aspect of our work at Kujali to avoid children staying in our care centre longer than necessary.  Our Social workers work closely with local Children’s Offices to trace the immediate and wider family and communities of the children in our care.  We identify suitable homes for the children to return to and then prepare them and the homes for their reintegration.  Once we are satisfied that the arrangements are in the best interests of the children we apply to the Courts, with the Children’s Officers support, to affect the transition.

We continue to monitor the children after reintegration to ensure that it is effective and often continue to support their education.